“Every day, memories of World War II—its sights and sounds, its terrors and triumphs—disappear. Yielding to the inalterable process of aging, the men and women who fought and won the great conflict are now in their 90s or older. They are dying quickly—according to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 167,284 of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II are alive in 2022.” [1]
Less than 167,00 World War II veterans are still living, and they all have a story to tell. Help me Capture that story before it is too late.
I have started a personal project to capture portraits of as many of the men and women who severed during World War II, and I am also working with another individual that is conducting interviews of these veterans. There is no cost to the veterans or their families and every veteran that participates will receive a complimentary 8x10 print. Help us Capture and Preserve the History of the Greatest Generation.
If you know of any surviving World War II veterans or their family members, please fill out the form, linked below.
[1] https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/wwii-veteran-statistics