Photography Bucket List
Many people have a bucket list or goals of things they hope to do while they can. Many times these list include travel around the world, accomplishments, and and personal goals. But how many of us constantly strive to accomplish theses things?
Many photographers I know also have bucket lists and I am always fascinated to hear what others want to accomplish. Many times some of the goals are actually easy if you just take the time to research how to do it, take the time, and DO IT.
Lately as a photographer I have been pushing myself to cross some of the items and types of shots off my photography bucket list. We live in an age that provides vast opportunities to learn so much. With sites like YouTube you can teach yourself to do practically anything. Thought it may take years to complete some of my big items, some have been easier to accomplish.
My Photography Bucketlist (no particular order) checked off
Shoot in every National Park 15 down 48 to go
Photography the Milky Way
Become a Certified Professional Photographer
Publish a coffee table photo book (Boots & Spurs, Doors, Texas, National Parks, windmills & Fence posts & gates, IPC Images)
Capture a storm front
Capture Lighting
Teach Photography (Teach adults)
Build a studio
Host workshops
Photograph concerts in Gruene Hall for an artist
Earn a Merit in IPC
Go four for Four at IPC
Make Loan at IPC
Earn PPA degrees
Photograph a sporting/concert/rodeo event as "press"
Shoot on wide format camera
Photograph Missions in Texas
Yellowstone in Winter
Develop my own photos
Capture a bald eagle in flight
Sell Fine art photography
Photograph a Bull Moose, Bear, elk, eagle, owl, wolf and mountain lion/cougar in wild
Wrangle at Texas School
Work fulltime as a photographer
Successfully make composite images
Some of these I am close but others most likely will take years, or a lifetime to complete.
What are you top bucket list items?