Anyone that knows me, knows that history and portraiture are two of my passions and I am please to announce that I am Continuing on a new creative journey to combine theses two loves. My goal is to create a series of fine art portraits of the men and women that create living history. My goal is to cover a wide variety of these educators and capture the essence of their passion. I will be seeking men and women from all time periods.
This project is still up and running and I need to get some more folks in this year. I am excited to move forward on this project in 2022. There is no cost to you and each participant will receive a digital copies of the portraits created in each impression you are photographed in.
I plan on having a few Houston studio days as well as hopefully getting out to some of the reenactments this year as well.
As Of Right now I know a few dates already scheduled:
June 18 in Houston, I will be teaching a class on photographing re-enactors: I NEED 3-4 to model for the class
July - September - Houston Studio location
October Mexia
October 22 Texican Market Days George Ranch