Last year was a bust for the project but I am excited to move forward on this project in 2021. There is no cost to you and each participant will receive a digital copies of the portraits created in each impression you are photographed in.
I plan on having a few Houston studio days as well as hopefully getting out to some of the reenactments this year as well.
As Of Right now I know a few dates already scheduled:
Jan 23rd in Houston
Feb/March TBD in Houston
April 9-11 Battle Of Pleasant Hill
June 12 in Houston, I will be teaching a class on photographing re-enactors
I am looking for impressions for all time frames, if you are still interested in participating Please reply with dates from above you might be interested in.
Jan 2, 2021, 7:47:25 PM
JD Fox - I would be interested. I have been a re enactor for 10 years. I can email pictures if you like. Thank you for your time. JD Fox
Jan 2, 2021, 4:24:48 PM
Katrina Yordy - The January date works for me. I do 1830s textiles
Jan 2, 2021, 12:15:10 PM
James E Crofutt - I just sent in my form of interest forgot to put down that my location is Northwest Missori Just north of Kansas City.
Jan 2, 2021, 10:19:18 AM
Mary Northington -
Jan 2, 2021, 10:01:26 AM
George Rollow - 1835-36 Texas Revolution.... Texian Artillery and saloon gambler
Jan 2, 2021, 9:40:46 AM
Nat Hart - I am a buckskinner with a full set of hand brain tanned shirt and leggings, beaded and Fox fur hat.
Jan 2, 2021, 4:48:39 AM
Richard Fawkes - we are having a colonial event at historic Ft Parker in Groesbeck TX Feb 12-13 most will leave early Feb 14 it would be cool if you can make it